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Visual Basic Form  |  1992-02-19  |  13KB  |  356 lines

  1. Form1
  2. DDDD@
  4. DDDDI
  5. DDDDI
  6. DDDD@
  8. DDDDD
  12. DDDD@
  13. DDDDDDD@
  15. DDDDDD@
  16. DDDDDD
  17. DDDDD@
  18. DDDDD
  19. DDDD@
  21. DDDDDD@
  22. DDDDDD
  23. DDDD@
  24. Form1,
  25.     MenuCombo
  26. Label2
  27. &Group
  28. File1
  29. *.exe;*.com;*.bat
  30. Button
  31. &Save
  32. MenuList
  33. Button
  34. Button
  35. &Configure...
  36. Button
  37. De&lete
  38. CaptionFrame
  39. Caption 
  40. Option1
  41. Option2
  42. &Time
  43. Option3
  44.     Dat&eTime
  45. Button
  46. &Rename
  47. Button
  48. &Params
  49. Button
  50. &Help
  51. Timer1
  52. Button
  53.     A&bout...
  54. HistoryCombo
  55. HistoryCombo
  56. Label1
  57. Histor&y
  58. Drive1
  59. Frame1
  60. Button
  61. &Normal
  62. Button
  63. &Maximized
  64. Button
  65. M&inimized
  66. MinMC
  67. Minimi&ze MC
  68. Button
  69. E&xit
  70. Label3
  71. &File
  72. Label4
  73. dri&ve
  74. Label5
  75. Drive1_Change{
  76. Dir1<
  77. Drive1|
  78. Drive
  79. Dir1_Change&    
  80. File1
  81.     ListCounts
  82.     ListIndex
  83. Frame1m
  84. Caption
  85. Dir1_ClickQ
  86. LastChangeD
  88. Option1_Click
  89. Form_Click
  90. ConstantN
  92. Changei
  93. File1_Click
  94. Filename
  95. File1_DblClick
  96. Button_Click
  97. Frame1_DragDrop
  98. Source
  99. Command1_Click
  100. Index
  101. Button
  102. form1
  103. Option2_ClickW
  104. Option3_Click
  105. Timer1_Timer
  106. TimeNow
  107. DateNowN
  108. CaptionType
  109. CaseCaptionTypeg
  110. @    Form_Load
  111. Option1e
  112. GotFocus*
  113. Option1_GotFocus
  114. Combo2_Change
  115. Combo1_Change5
  116. HistoryCombo
  117. HistoryArray
  119. HistoryCombo_Changec
  120. HistoryCombo_Click
  121. RunProg
  122.     lastrunOK~
  123. AddHistoryItem
  124. HistoryCombo_DblClick
  125. SelectCase
  126. History
  127. RunP'
  128. HistoryCombo_DragDrop
  129. HistoryCombo_DropDown
  130. HistoryCombo_GotFocus!
  131. CaptionFrame_DragDrop4
  132. CaptionFrame
  133. Option2
  134. valuen
  135. Option3-
  136. List1_Click`
  137. Frame2_DragDrop
  138. Llistcount
  139. Form2
  140. MenuCtrlWord
  141. dialogbutton
  142. CurrentItem
  143. MenuCtrlExit]
  144. ProcessCtrlMenu
  145. CurrentGroupW
  146. Enabled
  147. False
  148. text1
  149. Text    
  151. MenuList_Click
  152. MenuListu
  153.     MenuArrayA
  154.     MenuCombo&
  155. menulistcombo
  156. Default_Button
  157. MenuList_DblClick.
  158. NumberofGroups
  159. text1_setfocus
  160.     MaxGroups
  161.     MNumArray
  162. MenuCombo_Changea
  163. MenuCombo_Click;
  164. CurentGroupi
  165. printmenuarray
  166. Then6
  167. ExitButton
  168.     ShowItemsR
  170. MenuA
  171. SaveCurrent
  172. EditItemz
  173.     EditGroup
  176. Form3
  177. DummyS
  178. DummyStr
  179. WriteInis
  180. IniFileName
  181. TempItemp
  182. TempPrg
  183. MaxHistory|
  184. Prog 
  185. LoadIni
  186. ProgramM
  187. OnErrorM
  188. BadDrive
  189. Drive1_DragDrop
  190. Drive1_DragOver
  191. State
  192. Drive1_GotFocus
  193. Drive1_KeyDown
  194. KeyCodee
  195. Shift
  196. Drive1_KeyPress
  197. KeyAscii
  198. Drive1_KeyUpD
  199. Drive1_LostFocusv
  200. OldDrive7
  201. OldIndexJ    
  202. ResumeNext
  203. Form_Unload
  204. Canceln
  205.     ForeColor:    
  206. Black
  207. RedZ    
  208. Form4
  209. CRLF^
  210. TimeStrq    
  211. DTPref
  212. DateOpt
  213. DateStr
  214. UpDateTimerC
  215. timer1
  216. Interval
  217. nextmaxhistory
  218. DefaultLaunch
  219. MousePointer
  220. pattern
  221. hidebutton_click0    
  222. Form4_HideButton_Click
  223. Screenc    
  224. params
  225. ErrorHandler-
  226. IsDirty
  227. FixPr
  228. FixProgram
  229. filechoicearray=
  230. VarProg
  231. FullItem
  232. HistroyArray
  233. form5\
  234. itemname
  235. Form_KeyPress
  236. GetHelp
  237. MCase3
  238. Button_KeyDown
  239. ConfButtonN
  240. ConfButton_Click>
  241. Dir1_KeyDown
  242. File1_KeyDown 
  243. Form_KeyDown
  244. HistoryCombo_KeyDown
  245. MenuCombo_KeyDownU
  246. MenuList_KeyDown
  247. Option1_KeyDown
  248. Option2_KeyDown
  249. Option3_KeyDownG
  250.     filecheck
  251. filecheckarray
  252. form6
  253. TimeToGo
  254. CludgeTimer
  255. GetModuleHandle
  256. lpModuleName
  257. Form_LinkClose
  258. HistoryIsDirty
  259. hWndZ
  260. GetModuleUsage
  261. hModule
  262. count
  263. FromHistory7
  264. NotFromHistory
  265. Dirty0
  266. InitializeCombos
  267. InitializeValues$
  268. hidebutton_clickForm4
  269. ClearCombos
  270. HideTest
  271. comboj
  272. Button_KeyPress
  273. Button_KeyUp
  274. Button_LostFocus
  275. Label1_Click
  276. Label2_Click
  277. MinJaws_Click
  278. NoValidItem
  279. API calls used during loading of form1 to see if MC is already running
  280. Kernel3
  281. Kernel
  282. Drive1_Change
  283. Error handler to cope with empty diskette drives
  284. Shouldn't be needed but there are persistent rumors of problems if you
  285. don't fix it
  286. Problem with Drive "
  287. Fix and Try Again (if you wish)"
  288. Restore Drive if chosen one unavailable 
  289. Dir1_Change
  290. synchronizes diretory and file list boxess
  291. Dir1_Click
  292. File1_Click
  293. File1_DblClick
  294. Button_Click
  295. Run buttonso
  296. Handles Associations
  297. Handles Associations
  298. since item 0 is group name
  299. Handles Associations
  300.  Exit3
  301. Changes might not be saved!!
  302. Save Configuration?"
  303. History changes not saved!!"
  304. Save Configuration?"
  305. Params
  306. No Item Chosen
  307. You must click on an item first"
  308. since iten 0 is group name
  309. NOTADD
  310. No Group Chosen"
  311. Add or Choose a Group"
  312. DELETE
  313. RENAME
  314. index=7"
  315.  Group/Item"
  316.  &Group"
  317.  &Item
  318. Configureo
  319. About button
  320. Option1_Click
  321. Option2_Click
  322. Option3_Click
  323. Timer1_Timer
  324. Form_Load
  325. Code below checks for the program already being loaded.  Would be easy
  326. if VB didn't protect you from load info!!!
  327. MC.EXE
  328. MC is already running"
  329. Load another copy?
  330. turn on hour glass
  331. HistoryCombo_Click
  332. HistoryCombo_GotFocus
  333. MenuList_Click
  334. MenuList_DblClick
  335. MenuCombo_Click
  336. Drive1_GotFocus
  337. Form_Unload
  338. Changes might not be saved!!
  339. Save Configuration?"
  340. History changes not saved!!"
  341. Save Configuration?"
  342. CludgeTimer needed because you crash if you try to exit Windows with MC loaded
  343. if you try to unload directly!!!
  344. Button_KeyDown
  345. This needs to be repeated endlessly because of quirks in VB!!!
  346. Dir1_KeyDown
  347. Drive1_KeyDown
  348. File1_KeyDown
  349. Form_KeyDown
  350. HistoryCombo_KeyDown
  351. MenuCombo_KeyDown
  352. MenuList_KeyDown
  353. Option1_KeyDown
  354. Option2_KeyDown
  355. Option3_KeyDown